Job_no Integer DESCRIPTION 'Job_no',
Header Integer DESCRIPTION 'Header',
Type Integer DESCRIPTION 'Type',
xStatus SmallInt DEFAULT 1,
xSite Byte DESCRIPTION 'Site supplying crew',
"Out" Timestamp DESCRIPTION 'Out',
Back Timestamp DESCRIPTION 'Back',
Quantity Integer DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Quantity',
Allocated Integer DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Allocated',
SingleCrewRef Integer DESCRIPTION 'SingleCrewRef',
DailyCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'DailyCharge',
Total Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'The total charged for this crew request. For enhanced crewing this is the total of LabourCharge, PDCharge, TravelCharge, OvertimeChar',
LastQuotedTotal Money DEFAULT 0E0,
TaxTotal Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'The tax amount on the Total',
TotalIncTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'enhanced crewing uses this field for summing all 5 Charges and their 5 Taxes; it continues to be the overall Charge + Tax for Jobs th',
InvoicedTotal Money DEFAULT 0E0,
Invoiced Boolean DEFAULT FALSE,
TotalPay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'The total labour costs for this crew request. For enhanced crewing this is the total of LabourPay, PDPay, TravelPay, OvertimePay',
SortPosition Float DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'SortPosition',
CreatedBy Integer,
ModifiedBy Integer,
Selected Boolean DEFAULT FALSE DESCRIPTION 'For reporting',
EqlistsAllocated Integer DEFAULT 0,
xCrewTask Integer,
Active Boolean DEFAULT TRUE,
QuoteCount Integer DEFAULT 0,
AccomodationPayTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Accomodation Pays for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccomodationCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Accomodation charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccomodationChargeTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Accomodation charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccomodationPay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Accomodation Payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
RequestDefaults CLOB DESCRIPTION 'default values for shifts stored as JSON',
LabourCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the labour (only) charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
PDCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the PD charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
TravelCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Travel charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
OvertimeCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Overtime charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccommodationCharge Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Accomnodation charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
PDChargeTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the PD charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
TravelChargeTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Travel charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
OvertimeChargeTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax forthe Overtime charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccommodationChargeTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Accomodation charges for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
TotalPayTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'The tax amount on the TotalPay',
LabourPay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the labour (only) payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
PDPay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the PD Payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
TravelPay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Travel Payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
OvertimePay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Overtime Payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccommodationPay Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the Accommodation Payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
PDPayTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the PD Payments for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
TravelPayTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Travel Pays for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
OvertimePayTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax forthe Overtime Pays for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
AccommodationPayTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Accomodation Pays for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request',
TotalPayIncTax Money DEFAULT 0E0 DESCRIPTION 'enhanced crewing uses this field for summing all 5 Payments and their 5 Taxes',
RecType Byte DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'TCrewRecordType = (crtOld, crtUpgraded, crtNew)',
UpgradeMasterRec Integer DESCRIPTION 'Source record ID that is "atomised" during the enhanced crewing Upgrade',
LabourChargeForBilling" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the billable Labour charges for all Shifts with BookingState < 2 (not Cancelled nor Blackout)',
PDChargeForBilling" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the billable PD charges for all Shifts with BookingState < 2 (not Cancelled nor Blackout)',
TravelChargeForBilling" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the billable Travel charges for all Shifts with BookingState < 2 (not Cancelled nor Blackout)',
OvertimeChargeForBilling" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the billable Overtime charges for all Shifts with BookingState < 2 (not Cancelled nor Blackout)',
AccommodationChargeForBilling" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Summary of the billable Accommodation charges for all Shifts with BookingState < 2 (not Cancelled nor Blackout)',
QuotationChargeTotal" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Sum of LabourCharge, PDCharge, TravelCharge, OvertimeCharge, AccommodationCharge',
LabourChargeTax" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax estimate for LabourCharge for quoting purposes',
QuotationChargeTotalTax" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax estimate for QuotationChargeTotal for quoting purposes',
QuotationChargeTotalTaxInc" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'QuotationChargeTotal + QuotationChargeTotalTax',
LabourPayTax" MONEY DEFAULT 0 DESCRIPTION 'Tax for the Labour Pay for all Shifts linked to a Crew Request'