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Defining Sites and Warehouses

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HireTrack NX is normally supplied as a single site program, however a single site can have several Warehouses attached. Sites are considered "financial centers" with their own rules, financials (invoices & purchase orders, etc.), and users. Warehouses are physical locations that are part of a site. To add sites you need to contact Navigator Systems to purchase additional site licenses, however adding Warehouses for a site is a simple process.



Go to the Software Configuration Tab and select Sites and Warehouses from the Manage drop down.




Modifying some basic Site settings.

You can rename the default name of site#1 as required by over-typing the current name and then set the default Currency (or price scheme) that is to be used by that site simply by selecting from the currency column. So, for instance if your second site is in a separate country, you can specify the currency for that site.


If you have HireTrack NX Multisite you can set the other sites that the selected site can access equipment from, by using the drop down



Adding Warehouses

Select the + button next to the current site to expand the display




By default there is a default Warehouse created which has the same name as the site, this can be renamed by over-typing the Warehouse name and pressing the Updateeqb_save button

To create additional Warehouses click on the 'Click Here to add a new Warehouse and type in the additional Warehouse name eqb_save




Setting the transit times between Warehouses.

Select the Transit times tab in the Software Configuration>General>Sites and Warehouses page


The amount of time taken to move Equipment between Warehouses should be entered here. This is so that if a list is created using Equipment from another site, the Equipment is booked for the number of hours given before and after the Equipment List dates so that the availability can be calculated correctly.