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HireTrack NX is an easy to use, yet powerful, software package to help you to manage every aspect of your entertainment equipment rental, sales and production management business including crew, transportation and any miscellaneous costs associated with your business. HireTrack NX is the latest evolution of the successful and innovative "HireTrack" line of software. Navigator Systems Ltd released the first fully Windows based software designed specifically for your industry in 1995. Since then, as the industry has grown and matured our software has not only evolved to keep pace with those changes, but in many respects has lead the way with innovations that are ahead of the curve.


In addition to this manual, you can also visit our help desk where there is a wide variety of knowledge-base articles, videos, user forums as well as assistance from our technical support team.


A Simple Process

HireTrack NX has been developed to collect, sort, and calculate the information you need to manage your events. The process mimics a paperwork system for easy understanding.



Instead of storing paperwork, the information is entered as data on screen.


The HireTrack NX process CAN begin with a Lead or Opportunity to creating a Job Quote. Once confirmed, all the logistics can be managed, including subhires and job transfer

