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Transportation Lookups

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There are multiple fields for the Transport Module that may be customized. Each of these lookup fields are listed below


Transport Functions

Transport functions are selectable in the Job Book to identify what function the transportation in the header will be performing. TransportFunc1


To setup the  Transport Functions for the Job Book



Enter your function in the:


and then press the accb-save button.

You may also edit the selected record and press the accb-save button.



Transport Tasks

Transportation Tasks are non-Job related tasks for which a vehicle may be assigned in the Transportation Planner.



For instance, you may need to "blockout" a certain date range. Transport Tasks allow you to select from a variety of tasks that have been configured here.



Enter your task in the:


and then press the accb-save button.

You may also edit the selected record and press the accb-save button.