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Watched Jobs and Timeline

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Each USER in HireTrack has the ability to "watch" a job. In other words, you can create a quick link to jobs that are important to you.


Note: It is not recommended that you watch more than 10-15 jobs as the panel can be difficult to navigate with too many jobs.


Watched Jobs can be selected simply by placing a check mark in the Watched check box on the Job header





and it will then appear in the Watched work list and indicate when it was last modified.





The timeline shows when events on your Watch list are happening in a timeline format


You can move the timeline dates simply by clicking and dragging the timeline or you can zoom in or out by holding the ControlKey key whilst dragging

timeline3 or timeline3a

and you can change between the daily/hourly view or go back to today using the timeline controls at the top of the screen.



hourly view