Default Bands
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Below we have a screen grab of a blank report with all of its default bands exposed. Note the at the data space for each band is above it


The default bands have the following functions:

TitleThis prints at the beginning of a report, before anything else. The data in the title band will only print on the first page.  
HeaderThis prints at the top of every page so any components in this band will repeat their output. You should not put any data components in this band if there could be several different values for the data being reported. Consider a Quotation report. Your report might need to show the Job Reference on every page, and maybe the page number. It would be OK to put both of these components (one DBText and one System Variable) in the header band because you are only quoting for one job. However, it would NOT be correct to put a DBText component linked to an equipment type's Description, since you will probably have many equipment types on the equipment list for which you are quoting.  
DetailThis is where you would put the DBText component linked to an equipment type's Description. This band refreshes itself for every record of data retrieved by the report, so it is where much of the "details" are put.  
FooterThis is just like the header band except that it prints at the bottom of every page. Nothing is printed after it.  
SummaryThis prints at the end of the report but in spatial terms it still appears before the Footer band. It's a good place to put sign off text and signature requirement; grand totals for prices and weights would also be placed here.  

All bands can be re-sized by left clicking on them with the mouse, holding down, and dragging to a new position.