There may be times when you will require a customer to post a deposit for the equipment for which they are hiring or renting. You may configure a standard deposit requirement in the configuration book. This deposit requirement is based on the total value of the equipment of all equipment currently checked out by the customer and the value of all the equipment on the equipment list or lists for this job.
To take in a deposit you can access the deposit page from the Job Page or from an invoice by using the View Deposit button
The total value of all the equipment that has been placed on all equipment lists for this job still to be checked out will display in the first field. If the customer currently has other equipment checked out on other orders, this amount will appear next. The suggested deposit, based on the percentage will appear next, followed by any deposits currently being held for that customer. The suggested deposit will then be calculated for you, and then you may enter what deposit may be required of the customer. Enter the deposit to be taken and press the Save Deposit button. This amount will then appear on the Job Page to inform the user that a deposit is required of the customer.
Once the customer arrives to place the deposit, you will then need to receive the money from the customer.