More about Taxation in RentalDesk NX
A. Stock Taxation
RentalDesk now supports taxcodes being associated with Types of equipment giving you greater control over how tax is charged within the programme. What follows below is a simple outline of how the system assigns tax to each line on equipment on a rental list.
i. Job Tax.
Each job header has a Rental Tax and Sales Tax selection field. These specify the tax that will be applied to rental and sales lines in an equipment list respective. When you set up your taxcodes in the Configuration Book you can specify what the default job taxes are and these will be used unless.....
ii. Customer determined Tax
...the customer for the job has had Rental and/or Sales Tax codes associated. In this case, when you assign a customer to a job the Rental Tax and Sales Tax selection fields pick up the tax codes for the customer that have been specified in the Address Book ('Settings' tab). If no tax codes have been assigned to a customer or if the 'Use Job Tax' option has been assigned a customer then the Job Tax fields just use the default job taxes set in the Configuration Book
iii. Equipment determined Tax
You can now assign a tax code to each equipment type in the Equipment Book. The default entry here is 'Use Job Tax', in which case RentalDesk will charge the Rental / Sales tax set in the Job Header (remember, these could be default job taxes, customer based taxes or manually assigned taxes); otherwise RentalDesk will charge the tax that has been associated with the Equipment
B. Other Taxes
i. FreeText Tax
These entries are always charged as the Job's Rental Tax. If you need to change this then this can be done in the invoice once it has been raised
ii. Additional Charges Tax
There is an option in the Configuration Book to specify a tax to associated with these extra charges (Insurance, etc)