Four Types of Lines on an Equipment List
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Once an equipment list is created, you must choose from your inventory the types of equipment that is needed by your customer. There are only 4 types of entries on an equipment list. Each has different display properties.

revised list

1. Section Headers - A 'Section Header' is shown with a green background. Every equipment list has a section header automatically created at the top of the list.

2. Free Text items - A 'Free Text Item' is displayed with a yellow background in italic text and can contain any text you wish. The price can be entered directly into the list. There are 2 choices for adding free text. "Append Free Text Item" will be added to the bottom of your list by clicking on the first icon shown above. Clicking the second icon ("Insert Free Text Item") will insert a free text line below the current line.

3.Sales Equipment - Sales Equipment is shown with a light blue background, and the price is based on the quantity ordered and/or the price band selected. The price can either be typed in directly or a discount may be entered which then calculates the price from the list price. You can also click in the List price column, which will then display the price bands and allows you to select a price from the available bands. There are 2 choices for adding sales equipment "Append Stock Item" will be added to the bottom of your list by clicking on the first icon shown above. Clicking the second icon ("Insert Stock Item") will insert a stock line below the current line.

4. Rental Equipment - Rental equipment is shown as normal text with a yellow background. The price is calculated based on the number of hire days and the price scheme or 'calculation' set up for this piece of equipment. You will use the same buttons as the sales equipment to add rental equipment. There are 2 choices for adding rental equipment "Append Stock Item" will be added to the bottom of your list by clicking on the first icon shown above. Clicking the second icon ("Insert Stock Item") will insert a stock line below the current line.