Search for Equipment in the Popstock
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If you have a lot of equipment in your inventory, it may not be easy to find the piece you want by scrolling through your list. Therefore you can search for equipment using RentalDesk's intelligent search engine and limit the amount of information to display only what you need. This is done by typing what you want at the bottom of the popstock window.


if you wish to only view your rental equipment, make sure the rental button is depressed and the sales button is up. If you wish to only view your sales inventory make sure sales button is down and the rental button is up. To search for either, make sure both buttons are pressed down.

The order of equipment in the popstock can be customized to your needs. See the Tree View in the equipment book section to see how to arrange your equipment

With RentalDesk's very intelligent search feature you can also search by the type description or even by part of a description.
To start the search, type a few characters in the text window, press the [space] bar once.

For example, if you type:
with our inventory you'll get a stock list something like this:


This shows all equipment that contains the letters

To make the search more specific, you can type in up to three sets of characters separated by spaces.

For example, in our equipment if you type:


you'll get just one item which contains the letters
mon vid and 55.

You can then click to select this item as before, or enter the quantity required and then press the 'enter' key or click on the ok button and your selected equipment will be added to the equipment list for the customer to use.