RentalDesk includes an e-mail client that allows you to send any report such as a quote with an attached pdf copy of your document. Before you can e-mail, you will need to configure your e-mail in the configuration book.
To e-mail a report, create the report as if you are printing the report.
File>> Print>> Navigation Window>>
Data Window>>
Once the form previews, you will be presented with some options in the data action buttons.
Press the E-mail button and an e-mail form will appear.
Select to whom you wish the e-mail sent, or type in the address. Enter any subject that you wish in the subject line, and enter a file name for the pdf that is created. It is usually a good idea to name the file something that will be meaningful to the person that will be receiving the file.
The most common format for files being sent is an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (pdf), because of the free easy to use pdf reader. However, if you wish to specify a different format, you can select from a wide variety of formats.
Even though you have configured RentalDesk to communicate with a specific server to send your e-mails, you will also need to configure RentalDesk on how to connect to the internet. To configure your connection, press the button and select either your dial up connection or if you have a direct connection to the internet.
If you are connecting through a modem, then select the Modem (DUN) connection, and choose your connection method from the list of dial up connections. If you connect over a network, then choose Network/ISDN/ADSL.