Set your Tax Schemes
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Once you have decided on your price schemes, you will probably want to set some sales taxes that you may be charging for your rental equipment or for equipment that you might be selling. RentalDesk can calculate simple taxes or complex taxes that may be the combination of up to 3 separate sub-taxes such as a combination of a state tax and a city tax.

To begin with, we will create a simple tax rate.

To access the Sales Tax:

Simply edit the existing basic rate for your local tax. Rename the description to your local sales tax and leave the method on Standard.


Select the default box if this is the tax you typically wish to charge. This default tax will be charged unless that customer has a different default tax. Press the SAVE button.

If you need to add any additional taxes, then press the New Button and enter the needed information.

For a further explanation of taxing and extended taxing please see the section on taxing