The Advanced Report Designer has been added to RentalDesk to allow users to further customize their reports. The Standard Report Designer is modelled around the design principles of RentalDesk: Compact, Easy to Use, ideal for the small business which does not have the luxury of an IT Department to look after large enterprise programs. As such we are able to support all our customers that use the basic report designer for modifying their print outs, and in most cases, this is all that is needed.
The Advanced Report Designer does not come with free technical support, and the only documentation available is this brief introduction and a collection of case studies. We have introduced it as a free add-on for all those users who need a little more from their reports and who have the technical knowledge to work with the additional facilities included. Such technical knowledge would need to include a least some understanding of relational database design, and if possible some experience of writing simple procedural code (a subset of Object Pascal is used, and anyone who is familiar with Borland Delphi should be comfortable with the process).