US Taxation
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The US Taxation branch is only applicable if you are exporting to QuickBooks US. This configuration creates the linkage between the taxing configured in RentalDesk and the taxing configured in QuickBooks. Great care and planning should be used when configuring any of the export functions.


Enter the appropriate information


U.S. Taxation Options
How to Configure
Tax Code Name
Refer to your QUICKBOOKS taxcodes
RentalDesk Main Tax Codes can only be up to 5 characters long, so you will need to enter the your QUICKBOOKS tax code name here. Don't forget a "dummy" account for Composite (Group) Tax Codes  

G/L Account
Not applicable
Leave blank

Tax Authority
Refer to your QUICKBOOKS taxcodes
Enter the Tax Authority who collects this tax EXACTLY as it is spelt in QUICKBOOKS

Sales Tax Account
This defaults to Sales Tax Payable in all the versions of QB that we have tested and cannot be changed
You need to specify this for EVERY tax code in RentalDesk

Tax Description
Refer to your QUICKBOOKS taxcodes
Enter the Tax Description in QUICKBOOKS EXACTLY as it is spelt

Tax Type
Not applicable
Leave blank

Although QUICKBOOKS supports "Sales Tax Groups" (equivalent to composite tax codes in RentalDesk, i.e Tax Codes which are made up of two or three 'Sales Tax Items' ), it doesn't 'entirely' support the importing of them. However this is not a major problem because QUICKBOOKS will import the 'Sales Tax Items' as lines on an invoice, so the actual breakdown of tax amounts will still be allocated to the correct tax accounts.

The only curiosity is that QUICKBOOKS will NOT calculate the TOTAL tax for the invoice after the data is imported; we have to supply this amount in the imported data and it has to be allocated to a Sales Tax Group which will appear at the bottom of your QUICKBOOKS Invoice form. Like all tax amounts this sum needs to be allocated to a 'Tax Account', but of course you would not want it allocated to your "Sales Tax Payable" account because the "Sale Tax Item" amounts will have already been allocated there and the amount would be imported twice. INTUIT, the software house that produce QUICKBOOKS ®, have advised us that the best option here is to create a 'dummy' Tax Account and have the export report assign the 'Sales Group Tax' amount to this. So you will need to set this up in QUICKBOOKS before you begin importing data. NOTE: QUICKBOOKS will not import the tax rate for the Sales Tax Group, so although the tax amount for invoice will be displayed, the tax rate will be shown as (0.0%). This is not a problem, because the Sale Tax Item rates will be imported correctly.

If you only use 'Sales Tax Items' in QUICKBOOKS then, although the tax details will be imported as a line item, QUICKBOOKS in fact does not display this and the correct tax details will appear at the bottom of the form.

Tax Codes also have 'descriptions' in QUICKBOOKS , and for the Sales Tax Items that import as part of Sales Tax Groups the tax descriptions will appear in the body of the invoice. You can enter Tax Descriptions on the US Taxation branch the Configuration Book.

NOTE: although you can assign a different tax code to each line of an Invoice in RentalDesk, you can only assign one global tax code to an invoice in QUICKBOOKS , be it a Group Tax or an Item Tax, so the Accounts Export Utility will use the tax code on the first line of an invoice in RentalDesk as the global tax code for a QUICKBOOKS invoice.