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Troubleshooting Logging In

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No Server Found

If, when you start up the program, you see a message indicating that the server can not be found, this may be due to several reasons:

1.Can other machines connect OK ? If they can't then it could be that the NX server is currently down. Talk to your IT department or contact Navigator Systems technical support.
2.If other machines can connect OK, then it's most likely either a firewall setting on your PC or your PC can not see the NX Server computer - maybe they're on different network subnets - talk to your IT department.




No Aliases Found


If HireTrack NX finds a server but can not use any of the database aliases found, this may be due to:

1.The database may be the wrong version for this application. If this is the case, the label:
will be displayed at the bottom of the dialog. Click the displayed link to read how to solve this.
2.If this is a newly installed database on the server, it maybe that the user the server runs as (by default Navigator_SQL) doesn't have full access rights to this location. See the server guide
3.The program may have found a database server, but it's not designed for HireTrack NX but one of our other products. Contact Navigator Systems technical support
4.This may be a new server and no database aliases have been defined. Finish the server installation and configuration.
