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Visual Basic (VB)

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Program -> Statements            


Statements -> (EOL | StatementList EOL)...  


StatementList -> Statement/':'...  


ImportStmt -> IMPORTS (String/,)...  


DimStmt -> DIM (VarDecl/',')...  


VarDecl -> Ident [Array] [AsClause] [InitValue]  


AsClause -> AS Ident  


Array -> '[' ArrayDim/','... ']'  


ArrayDim -> Expression  


InitValue -> '=' Expression  


Expression -> SimpleExpression [RelOp SimpleExpression]...  


SimpleExpression -> ['-'] Term [AddOp Term]...  


Term -> Factor [MulOp Factor]...  


Factor -> Designator                      

      -> UnsignedNumber                  

      -> String                          

      -> '(' Expression ')'              

      -> NOT Factor                      

      -> NewOperator                    

      -> '<' FRString '>'                


SetConstructor -> SetNode/','...  


SetNode -> Expression ['..' Expression]  


NewOperator -> NEW Designator  


RelOp -> '>'    

     -> '<'    

     -> '<='  

     -> '>='  

     -> '<>'  

     -> '='    

     -> IN    

     -> IS    


AddOp -> '+'  

     -> '-'  

     -> '&'  

     -> OR    

     -> XOR  


MulOp -> '*'    

     -> '/'    

     -> '\'    

     -> MOD    

     -> AND    


Designator -> [ADDRESSOF] Ident ['.' Ident | '[' ExprList ']' | '(' [ExprList] ')']...  


ExprList -> Expression/','...  


Statement -> BreakStmt

         -> CaseStmt

         -> ContinueStmt

         -> DeleteStmt

         -> DimStmt

         -> DoStmt

         -> ExitStmt

         -> ForStmt

         -> FuncStmt

         -> IfStmt

         -> ImportStmt

         -> ProcStmt

         -> ReturnStmt

         -> SetStmt

         -> TryStmt

         -> WhileStmt

         -> WithStmt

         -> AssignStmt

         -> CallStmt  


BreakStmt -> BREAK  


ContinueStmt -> CONTINUE  


ExitStmt -> EXIT  


DeleteStmt -> DELETE Designator  


SetStmt -> SET AssignStmt  


AssignStmt -> Designator ['+'|'-'|'*'|'/']'=' Expression  


CallStmt -> Designator ['+''+'|'-''-']  


ReturnStmt -> RETURN [Expression]  


IfStmt -> IF Expression THEN ThenStmt  


ThenStmt -> EOL [Statements] [ElseIfStmt | ElseStmt] END IF  

        -> StatementList                                    


ElseIfStmt -> ELSEIF Expression THEN

             (EOL [Statements] [ElseIfStmt | ElseStmt] | Statement)  


ElseStmt -> ELSE (EOL [Statements] | Statement)  


CaseStmt -> SELECT CASE Expression EOL

           (CaseSelector...) [CASE ELSE ':' Statements] END SELECT  


CaseSelector -> CASE SetConstructor ':' Statements  


DoStmt -> DO [Statements] LOOP (UNTIL | WHILE) Expression  


WhileStmt -> WHILE Expression [Statements] WEND  


ForStmt -> FOR Ident '=' Expression TO Expression [STEP Expression] EOL

          [Statements] NEXT  


TryStmt -> TRY Statements (FINALLY | CATCH) [Statements] END TRY  


WithStmt -> WITH Designator EOL Statements END WITH  


ProcStmt -> SUB Ident [FormalParameters] EOL [Statements] END SUB  


FuncStmt -> FUNCTION Ident [FormalParameters] [AsClause] EOL

           [Statements] END FUNCTION  


FormalParameters -> '(' (FormalParam/',')... ')'  


FormalParm -> [BYREF | BYVAL] VarList


#language BasicScript // this is optional

imports "unit1.vb", "unit2.vb"  

// imports section - must be before any other sections


dim i, j = 0           // var section


function f1()          // procedures and function

end function           //


sub p1()

end sub

                      // main procedure that will be executed.  

for i = 0 to 10



hmtoggle_plus1Data Types

BasicScript may have types (for example, dim i as Integer), or may have no types and even no variable declaration. In this case a variable will have Variant type.

Note: Not all of these types can be assign-compatible. Like in Object Pascal, you can't assign Extended or String to an Integer. Only one type - the Variant - can be assigned to all the types and can get value from any type.