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Using Google Translate

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It is possible to use Google Translate to perform an initial translation of your HireTrack NX Software. However, there are many terms that are industry specific and therefore will require some personal translation.


The Google translate API requires you to sign up for a google translate account. The translation cost is only $20.00 US per 1,000,000 characters and you get a $300 credit (valid 60 days) when you sign up. Since the translation is stored in a database table, you should be able to perform this translation the 1st time for free.


Click here for information on how to acquire an Google Translate Key.

Click here for a video that explains how to acquire a Google Translate Key.



Once a Key is acquired, Select from the menu Edit | Options



Enter your Google API Key Here and Press OK.


To Translate a whole language using Google Translate:

Select your language column.

From the Language Menu:


Select to Translate.




To Translate a single cell using Google Translate:

Select your language column.

From the Language Menu:


Select Translate Cell or Press Ctrl + G.


Translate12                        Translate13

Original Language                                Translated Language