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Address Book

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HireTrack NX maintains 2 Address Books. The first is for companies, and the second is for people. It is possible to create a relationship between several people and a single company, and to create a relationship between a single person and several companies.


The Company Address Book is used for all 1) customer information 2) vendor information and 3) venue information. This is done because many times, a customer could also be a vendor (cross rentals) or a venue could also be a customer. To select a company for a Job or an Equipment List or a Subhire, the information must be entered in the Company Address Book. So if you are creating a Job for a person, their information must be entered in the Company Address Book.


It is possible to quickly add new companies to the Address Book from other locations within HireTrack NX such as the Job Book, the Equipment List, the Invoice, or a Subhire. However, much more information is available for entry from the Address Book.


How to use the Company Address Book

How to use the Person Address Book