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The CRM (Customer Relations Management) Module allows you to create CRM Leads and associated activities such as emails, telephone calls etc and to provide reminders when follow ups are required.


CRM Leads can be attached to Notes or Jobs to remind you when you need to chase up the customer about the specific enquiry.


Some Basic Terminology:


A Lead represents one or more contacts within a company connected to a specific enquiry


An Activity represents an action carried out whilst pursuing a Lead, such as send an email, make a call or set reminders


A Campaign represents a grouping of Leads that have been created as a result of a marketing campaign such as a mail shot or internet advertising campaign and can be Configured by the user.


A Lead type represents a grouping of the type of a Lead and is free for the user to Configure as they see fit and can be used for filtering - such as 'Hot Lead', 'Warm Lead' or 'Industrial', 'RocknRoll', 'Conference'


CRM Leads tend to come from several sources. Typically:


Either you have decided to call the customer in which case you would probably generate the CRM Lead within the CRM Book itself. - Later this may turn into a Job so you can create a Job from a CRM Lead to save

re- entering information


Or the customer has called in which case you may have taken a note in the Notebook when you speak to them and you can then create a CRM Lead from this note for following up.


Or they may have phoned for a Quote that you have created as a Job and wish to create a CRM Lead from the Job to remind you to follow up on the Quote


See Creating a CRM Lead