The Late Returns List is one of the most powerful features of the HireTrack system. Once equipment has been sent out on equipment lists, it must be returned before the Back Date of the equipment list.
Late Returns is probably the most frustrating aspect of the rental business. Most companies overlook this very important part of their business. Late Returns are typically caused by 2 things 1) Your warehouse staff not checking in orders in a timely fashion 2) Customers not returning equipment on the return date. Neither situation is desirable as it could cause other lists to be short equipment or it could be causing lost revenue.
It is imperative you maintain your late returns list in a timely fashion.
Equipment that appears on the Late Returns List is considered overdue, and becomes unavailable for rental/hire for the next 24 hours from the current date & time.
The Late Returns tab shows all equipment that is overdue for return from your hire lists. To access the Late Returns go to the hire manager>logistics tab and select the late returns.
double clicking on an item description will take you to the relevant equipment list.
Late returns are normally grouped by warehouse then by type. The order of display can be changed using the view control
View By type groups similar types together.
View By Eqlist groups by Eqlist no
by activity groups by activities such as rental or loans
Custom allows you to use the inbuilt grid sorting.
The Filters allows you to show all equipment or hide components
so in this case the amplifier and mixer are hidden as they are part of the Amp rack, small composite
no composites hides the master composite type but shows the components
So here the Amp rack, small is hidden but the components (Amplifier and Mixer Yamaha 6 channel) are shown