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Misc Costs

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The Misc Costs Tab is used to record costs on a Job other than Crew, Transport and Equipment. It can be used to record general purchases, hotel bills or any other job related expenses. It can also include In House non-billable costs which lead to greater job costing information. Misc costs can be included in a quotation or not and the costs allocated to a Job and a Purchase Order raised if required.



To add a new cost, select the 'Click here to add a new row' line.

You can then enter the details for the Order and then press the Save (tick) button Crewsave when complete.


The columns are:

Sub List:

If you need multiple lines or need to add quantities, you can select the Sub List box to create a Sub List. This will allow you to enter multiple items that under a single header to make up the order.


A Description of item or a header description if a Sub List is being used.

Our Ref:

An Internal reference, which could include the Job Reference.


Type to search the Company Address Book or enter new supplier

Supplier Ref:

Suppliers reference if known


A status level to show whether this is just a Quotation or needs Invoicing/Ordering. You cannot raise Purchase orders if the status is less than confirmed.

Is Cost:

Is this a genuine cost of the Job which will be added to the Job Costings? if set it will appear under costs on the Finances Tab of the Job Book, otherwise the cost will not appear as part of the Job Profitability.

Payment Type:

The Method Used for Payments. These choices can be added/modified in the Software Configuration Window.

Anticipated Amount:

Used for costing before a Purchase Order is raised

Actual Amount:

The eventual actual cost

Sel PO:

Select this to raise a Purchase Order against this cost then press the 'Raise Purchase Order button'

Expenditure User:

Individual this cost is assigned to taken from the list of General HireTrack Users

Expenditure Date:

Anticipated date of expenditure.

Is Income:

If set the Invoice on amount will appear as income on the Finances Tab of the Job Book, otherwise, the income will not appear as part of the Job Profitability.

Last Quoted Total

The last amount quoted to the customer.

Invoice on Amount:

How much to invoice the client.

Nominal Code:

Accounting code

Inc Quote:

Select to include on Quotes. Unselect to Omit from Quotes.


Notes on the cost.



If you wish to include multiple lines on this cost, you can make sure that the Sub List is checked, the Header is saved and then clicking on the Description column drop down arrow will expose the Sub List editor
