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Working with Carnets

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Many times companies will use a customs broker to handle the myriad of paperwork required to cross borders. Typically, the information must be provided days, weeks or even months in advance in which you are informing the country which equipment you are bringing across the border and more importantly... that you're bringing it back and not leaving it! A Carnet or ATA Carnet (pronounced kar-nay) is an international customs and temporary export-import document. It is used to clear customs in 87 countries and territories without paying duties and import taxes on merchandise that will be re-exported. Carnets are also known as Merchandise Passports or Passports for Goods. While HireTrack does not technically create the actual carnet form, it does produce the manifest or list of equipment which is attached to the carnet form, and for our purposes we shall call these documents the carnet and reference the carnet functions of HireTrack NX. There is 1 carnet per equipment list. The carnet in this situation is much like a "pre-pack" list in that you can scan or select specific barcodes and you can enter quantities of each type of equipment. You can also place the equipment in specific road cases which is recommended for the document that is created so customs can get a "box list" of what is in each case. Most times, what customs is looking for is how many cases you're bringing in, and each case should be numbered 1 through whatever.


Create a Carnet


The carnet is accessed from the Carnet Reserved Tab in the Equipment List Header behind the General Tab.



The Barcode Reservation selects 1 of 3 reservation modes for the barcodes that will added to the carnet.

Strict - Whichever barcode you add to this carnet will restrict the user if they scan this barcode on any other equipment list which overlaps dates with the source equipment list.
Prompt  - Whichever barcode you add to this carnet will prompt the user if they scan this barcode on any other equipment list which overlaps dates with the source equipment list.
Relaxed - Whichever barcode you add to this carnet will allow the user if they scan this barcode on any other equipment list which overlaps dates with the source equipment list.


Click the Create / Edit Carnet button to create a new carnet.


The Carnet is broken into 3 sections from Top to Bottom

The Menu
The Header
The Equipment Grid



The Header

Field Name


This is the document number generated by HireTrack NX.

Eq Ref

The Equipment List Reference Number to which this carnet is attached.


The Job Number.


The official carnet document to which this manifest is attached.

Eq Title

The Equipment List Title to which this carnet is attached.


And editable field for users to individually identify this carnet.


Notes field specific to this carnet.

Eq Notes

The Equipment List Notes (1) to which this carnet is attached.

Carnet Out of Sync Log

After selecting either Strict or Prompt mode on the Equipment List Header. Should the barcodes that have reserved on the carnet note have been used elsewhere during the equipment list periods, the carnet is considered "invalid". A log of the barcodes will be provided here.

Current Case


A field to enter the Case ID which will be applied to each line of equipment in the equipment grid when it is allocated. There are 3 functions available.

Carnet4 Select - Activates the drop down to select the case ID.
Carnet5 Clear - Clears the Current Case so no Case ID is assigned.
Carnet6 Split Current Case - Splits the lines of any equipment assigned to this case code. This allows the user to scan a new road case and then scan or add equipment to this new case.

Created By

The user name of the creator of this operations note.

Created On

Date and Time this operations note was created.

Carnet Invalid

After selecting either Strict or Prompt mode on the Equipment List Header. Should the barcodes that have reserved on the carnet note have been used elsewhere during the equipment list periods, the carnet is considered "invalid" and this box will be selected.

Sort By

Select the sorting order of the operations note. The choices are:

Category (Alphabetic)
Category (Custom Order) as defined in the Inventory Book
Column Click - This will allow you to sort by any column header which you click. So, clicking by description will sort all the equipment types alphabetically.


This filter allows you to display only the equipment types in a single section.

Master Cat

This filter allows you to display only the equipment types of a single master category.


Un-selecting this box will hide all the components of all the composites.

Show Locked Lines

Displays any locked lines (typically splits) on the Outstanding tab.



Press this button to refresh the operations notes. This will update your screen with any updates from other users working on the same equipment list.



Allows the user to customize the columns they wish displayed by clicking the custom button and then selecting from the Grid Options the fields the user wishes to be displayed. These columns may then be dragged/dropped into any column order the user wishes. Once the custom button is unselected, the grid will revert back to the default settings.




The Equipment Grid


Record Type

Displays the type of equipment and it's relation to this equipment list.

N - Normal Actual Equipment
R - Normal Actual Equipment that is a reminder to another type of equipment. Reminders include a light blue background
C - Composite Equipment includes a yellow background. The components of a composite can be displayed by pressing the + sign next to the letter C
CR -Composite Reminder includes a light blue background. The components of a composite can be displayed by pressing the + sign next to the letter CR
CC - Composite Component which is linked to the Composite Master
CA - Composite Type that is added as part of the selected Alias includes a light green background.
F - Free Text Line
P - Priced Alias Type


The Description of the Equipment Type.


The number required for the equipment list.


The number remaining to select or allocate

Pick Items


Since you may not have the ability to scan specific barcodes, the pick items window allows you select and process all the barcode you anticipate will be sent on this manifest.


Displays a list of all the barcodes that have been selected.


An integer field in which you enter the quantity you wish to place on this manifest.

Case Code

Identifies the case which this equipment has been placed. You must enter the case ID in the Current Case field in the header, and then either allocate a quantity, scan a barcode or select from the drop down menu.


Indicates the line has been locked to prevent further edits. Most lines that are split are locked.

Is Split

This checkbox indicates the line has been split by quantity from another line. An operations note may be split into multiple lines in the event the total quantity will be split between several different cases. Perhaps you have an order that requires 18 lighting fixtures, and 6 will go in case 1, 6 in case 2, and 6 in case 3. You would either scan or select the road in the Current Case Field, and then scan your 6 lights into case 1. You would then split the line by clicking on the description and pressing the SPLIT icon:



This will split the line and change the quantity required:



You can then repeat the steps for the next 6 lights and so on.

Eqlist Notes

Displays the Equipment List Notes. Click to open, or press the eyeball to display the notes.

Road Case Split

Indicates the lines have been split as the result of a type being a case, or a component of a composite is a road case


Short for "Select". Allows you to select multiple lines and perform specific functions.



Scans Dismisses Prompts

Use this function to allow you to re-scan a barcode, which will dismiss any error prompts on your screen. This allows the user to proceed without needing to return to the keyboard to advance.

Relaxed Item Locations

Select the level of discipline required for scanning barcodes whose home warehouse is a different warehouse than the scanning warehouse. There are 3 options available:

Relaxed Item Locations (Default) - Allows user to scan any barcode regardless of the home warehouse of the barcode.
Strict Item Locations - Prevents user to scan any barcode regardless of the home warehouse of the barcode.
Transfer Item Locations - Depending on the User's permission level, this setting will automatically transfer a barcode from it's home warehouse to the scanning warehouse.

Auto Add

Select this box if you wish to bypass the prompt window of adding a type which is not required on an order. Some users will create a blank list, and then open an ops note and scan barcodes onto the order.

Re-Scans Do Multi-Split

After selecting this option the user can scan barcodes or allocate equipment to a road case, the user can scan the road case a second time, and all the lines that have been assigned to that case will split. This allows the user to then scan another road case, and continue scanning kit into that road case.


Barcodes & Scanning

Scans Pending

Depending on which operations note you have open, this will provide a list of barcodes which are ready to be processed. A carnet will never have barcodes pending

Barcode field

Manually enter your barcode or typecode here as required.

Scan Reverse Last Action

Select this if you have scanned something in error and wish to remove it from the operations note.

COM Port

Select the COM Port which your scanner is connected if using a COM Port.



Process All

Press this box if you wish to process the entire list of equipment in a single click. All remaining equipment will be considered processed and the operations note is complete.

There is an option here if needed:



If using a data collection style scanner, you can import your barcodes from a text (.txt) file by selecting the import option.


Orphaned Composites can be selected in the very unusual event that a composite component did not process with it's parent composite.


There are a variety of options available when selecting the clear button:



Last Scan(s) - Undoes the last scan you scanned.
Clear all scans on note - removes all barcodes from the operations note, but leaves all quantity processed equipment.
Clear all scans and quantities on note - completely reverses the processing of the operations note.
Clear all scans on current line - removes all barcodes from the selected current line, but leaves all quantity processed equipment.
Clear all scans and quantities on current line -  completely reverses the processing of the current selected line.


The Menu

The Menu Selections allow the user to complete specific tasks related to the operations Note




File Menu


Send an Email

Opens the email editor and allows the user to send an email from within HireTrack. This email is then stored on the Email tab of the Job Book. See Email for more information

Run Report >

A selectable list of reports is displayed from which the user may select and print/export or email.


A selectable list of database queries can be run from this menu and then either export or print.

Export >



The Export functions create a text file and there are 3 options.

Barcodes for Import Only - Creates a text file with all the barcodes on the note formatted for import into other operations notes.
All Barcodes on Note - Creates a text file with all the barcodes on the note.
All Barcodes on Note (CSV) - Creates a Text file formatted in CSV format ('XXXX','YYYY','ZZZZ')


Import >



The Import Functions allow importing barcodes to a text file or a HireTag RFID File.


Edit Menu


Open Equipment List (F4)>

An existing purchase order to the supplier may be APPENDED (not amended) by using this menu selection, and then select a purchase order from the list of PO's to that supplier.

Refresh (F5)

Refreshes the Operations Note

Copy Barcodes

Copies the barcodes on the note to your clipboard

Paste Barcodes

Pastes Barcodes that have been copied to your clipboard

Orphaned Composites

Orphaned Composites can be selected in the very unusual event that a composite component did not process with it's parent composite.


Function used by technical support team.