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Rental Equipment List Editor

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A single equipment list editor is used to manage the four types of equipment lists

Hire or Rental List (Renting to a Customer)
Subhire or SubRental List (Renting from a Vendor)
Sales List (Selling to a Customer)
Sales Order (Purchasing from a Vendor)


Some fields will be hidden or disabled if they are not applicable to the list type.


The Equipment List is separated into 3 Regions

The Menu
The Header
The Equipment Grid


Each header will be displayed below with an explanation of each field in the header.

An Equipment List is a group of equipment that is required for specified dates. The Header of the Equipment List contains all the information about the location of the equipment, setup, show and strike dates, as well as all the calculated pricing for the equipment on the list.


The Header

Note: This Header may be collapsed to allow more space for the equipment grid by clicking in top of the header


Information Panel

Eqlist Ref

This is the Equipment List Number. This number may be editable or locked from editing depending on the settings in the Rules of your system.


This is a non-editable unique number

Eqlist Title

This is a title used to identify the Equipment List. You may change the title of the Equipment List. The default is the Job Name plus the Equipment List Number.

The Venue

This is the Venue or Delivery Information for this specific Equipment List. This will default to the Job Main Venue from the General Page of the Job Book. Clicking on the Venue Link will open the Venue Information Module. The address information for the venue can be found on the venue tab.

Notes (1) and Notes (2)

These notes fields may have different purposes. Notes (1) is typically used for internal "rear facing" notes to your staff and appear on prep notes. Notes (2) is typically used for "forward" or "client facing" notes and appear on quotes.


Identifies the user that created this equipment list.

Last Editor/Last Edited

Identifies the last user that made changes to the equipment list, and when those changes were made.


Date Panel

Prep / Due Out

A critical piece of information, this is the date and time that HireTrack NX will use to calculate availability of the equipment. You should consider it as the time when the equipment will be unavailable for hire. Choose which date/time you wish to use to make this equipment unavailable. NOTE: The Out Date is the starting date used to calculate pricing. It is typically when the equipment is leaving your facility.


Information for when this equipment will be setup

Show Start / Show End

Information for when this equipment will be used in show.


Information for when this equipment will be removed from the venue.

Back / Check in

A critical piece of information, this is the date and time that HireTrack NX will use to calculate availability of the equipment. You should consider it as the time when the equipment will once again be available for hire. Choose which date/time you wish to use to make this equipment unavailable. NOTE: The Back Date is the ending date used to calculate pricing. It is typically when the equipment is returning to your facility.


Pricing Panel


The Pricing Structure and/or Currency used for this hire list

Charge Days

The number of hire days for this equipment list. Calculated from the Due Out and Back dates, this number is editable to allow flexibility in pricing.

Gross Price

The total price of all equipment before a discount has been applied.

Default Disc

An overall percentage or amount of discount applied to each line on this equipment list.

Disc Amount

An overall amount of discount applied on this equipment list.

Net Price

The total price of the equipment list after all discounts have been applied.


Additional Charges for types that have been set as a percentage of the equipment total. These options for Markups are created in the Hire Managers> Inventory>Configuration>Markups page.
To add a Markup click on the arrow by the additional's box and select a Markup from the list.

Total (Ex)

The total of Equipment list plus additional charge excluding taxes.

Total (Inc)

The total of Equipment list plus additional charge including taxes.

Preserve Line Disc. Variations

When selected, individual discounted lines will hold their price and discount regardless of the overridden total price of the equipment list. This can be set to default to set in the Rules Settings of the Configuration.


Status & Availability Views Panel


Selectable menu setting the status of this equipment list. Status is critical to calculating availability as any status of quote or lower does not impact the availability of the equipment, therefore no reservation of equipment occurs.

HP+/Con+/Off/Adv24 Hrs

Determines the Availability calculations display of equipment. HP+ displays all Conflicting Equipment lists with Provisional and Higher Statuses. Con+ displays all Conflicting Equipment lists with Confirmed and Higher Statuses. Adv24 Hours (selectable to greater periods) displays all Conflicting Equipment lists with Provisional and Higher Statuses and adds the selected number of hours to the Out Date to display short turnarounds of equipment.

Ignore Late Returns

Displays availability of equipment and removes the late returns from the availability calculation (not recommended).


Sources Panel

Warehouses Book from

This determines the Warehouse origination of this list.

Loans In Summary

Displays the equipment type, quantity and origin of any equipment selected from another warehouse.

Subhires Summary

Displays the equipment type, quantity and origin of any equipment subrented from a vendor.


Misc Options Panel

We Deliver

Displays information on how the equipment will be either transported TO the venue or picked up by the customer.

We Collect

Displays information on how the equipment will be either transported FROM the venue or picked up by the customer.

Price Locking

This will lock the overall price so additional equipment may be added at no charge (100% discount). Price Locking has three modes:

None - it's turned off (default)
Strict - lines and header are locked so deleting lines is not possible as doing so would mean total of lines would not add up to header total
Allow Deletions - lines can be deleted but in order to keep the line pricing adding up to the (locked) header total, all the remaining lines will have their prices recalculated to me the target header price.



Warehouse Operations Panel


Prep Note

Use this button to create a new prep note, which documents all the equipment being prepped for this specific EQUIPMENT LIST.

Dispatch Note

Use this button to create a new dispatch note, which documents all the equipment shipped for this JOB. A dispatch note is shared across all equipment lists in this job.

Return Note

Use this button to create a new return note, which documents all the equipment being returned from the job prepped for this specific EQUIPMENT LIST.

Check In Note

Use this button to create a new check in note, which documents all the equipment for this specific EQUIPMENT LIST that has been checked for damage is now ready for use.

Delete Function

Located in the Warehouse Operations Panel is a red minus sign (-) which allows the user to delete an empty operations note.


The operations note title will appear with grey text if it is empty, and black text if it has equipment on the document. Only empty documents may be deleted.



The Equipment Grid

The lower grid contains a list of the equipment required for the order, and is selected using the Popstock selector.

Grid Buttons



Provides a menu of options to add or insert

+All / -All

Expands or Collapses all Section Headers to display or hide equipment.


Allows the user to select multiple lines by using either the CTRL button to select specific lines, or the SHIFT key to select a range of lines. Once selected, the user can then copy these lines in order to paste them to other equipment lists.


Displays columns related to warehouse operations so the user may see

Carnet reserved (if carnet has been created)
Prepped (prepared for shipping)
Out (shipped to job)
Back (returned back to warehouse)
Checked In (inspected and placed on shelf ready for next hire)

Misc Columns

Displays Additional columns including:

Daily Multiplier (used for calculating List Rental Price)
Category of Equipment (selectable to change category only on this list)
Unit Weight (editable only on this list)
Unit Value (editable only on this list)
Total Weight (Unit Weight x Qty)
Total Value (Unit Value x Qty)
Extra Costs (creates an entry in Misc Costs tab as an anticipated cost against the job for Job Profitability calculations)
Subhire Costs (Anticipated) - (creates an entry in Misc Costs tab as an anticipated subhire cost against the job for Job Profitability calculations)



Allows the user to customize the columns they wish displayed by clicking the custom button and then selecting from the Grid Options the fields the user wishes to be displayed. These columns may then be dragged/dropped into any column order the user wishes. Once the custom button is unselected, the grid will revert back to the default settings.

Subhire For


Selectable Choice which opens the Subhire Wizard to subhire for either the Selected Lines (using Multi-Select) or All the lines where the Availability calculation is negative.



Allows the user to search the list to locate a specific type of equipment in the equipment list. Using the F3 Key on your keyboard will locate the Next type that matches your search

Reset Sorting

If you have clicked any column header to change the sorting of equipment within it's category (example: Sort by weight from heaviest to lightest), the reset sorting sets the grid to it's original default setting.


Click Here for more information on Section Headers




Displays the Class of the equipment. In the Rental List, this will be either Rental (R) or Consumables (C) with a pink background

Row Type

Displays the type of equipment and it's relation to this equipment list.

N - Normal Actual Equipment
R - Normal Actual Equipment that is a reminder to another type of equipment. Reminders include a light blue background
C - Composite Equipment includes a yellow background. The components of a composite can be displayed by pressing the + sign next to the letter C
CR -Composite Reminder includes a light blue background. The components of a composite can be displayed by pressing the + sign next to the letter CR
A - Normal Equipment Type that is added as part of the selected Alias includes a light green background.
CA - Composite Type that is added as part of the selected Alias includes a light green background.
F - Free Text Line
P - Priced Alias Type


A simple flag to identify any row that needs further attention.


This is the quantity required for this Equipment List.


This the equipment type requested. It is selected through use of the Popstock window.


This is the quantity of equipment available for the requested date range after your request on this specific list.

Unit List Price

The daily price per item.

Charge Quantity

How many will be charged. This number can vary from the actual quantity to allow for spare equipment.

Line List Price

This is the Pre-Discounted price to be charged for this line based on the Unit List price x the Charge Quantity x The Daily Multiplier. The Daily Multiplier number is a calculated value based on the number of charge days (in the header) and the price scheme of this type of equipment. This number is NOT editable.

Disc (%)

This the percentage of discount applied to this line. Should a standard discount is entered in the default discount field in the header, this discount will be applied here up to the maximum allowed discount as specified in the inventory book.

Disc Line Price

This is the final price to be charged for this line based on the Unit List price x the Charge Quantity x The Daily Multiplier and then subtracting for the  discount. The Daily Multiplier number is a calculated value based on the number of charge days (in the header) and the price scheme of this type of equipment. This number is editable and may be changed as needed.



The quantity of equipment which has been reserved from a different warehouse. Click this column to expose the warehouses, and enter a quantity in the Qty column to reserve this equipment.


Displays the quantity, supplier date in and date return of any equipment that has been subhired to fulfill the requirements of the equipment list.



Allows the user to select which barcodes to reserve for this specific job within this date range. Should someone scan a reserved barcode to an order during that time frame, they will be requested to select a different barcode.


(click the header to display all equipment notes)

This provides a window with which you may enter notes about this specific equipment.

Unit Disc Price

Displays the Unit Price after the discount has been applied to the individual line.



The Menu



The Menu Selections allow the user to complete specific tasks related to the equipment list.


File Menu


Send an Email

Opens the email editor and allows the user to send an email from within HireTrack. This email is then stored on the Email tab of the Job Book. See Email for more information

Run Report >

A selectable list of reports is displayed from which the user may select and print/export or email.


A selectable list of database queries can be run from this menu and then either export or print.


Edit Menu


Select >

Use to select All of the lines of an equipment list, or select a single section.

Copy Selected Lines

Copies the Selected lines to your clipboard for use to paste elsewhere.

Copy Selected Sections

Using Multi-select, a user can select multiple sections using the CTRL key and then clicking the sections. Once Selected, these sections can be copied to your clipboard fro pasting elsewhere.

Paste >

Pastes selected lines and/or sections to your open equipment list.

Clone Header and Lines

Quickly Duplicates an existing equipment list within the same job.

Clone Header Only

Quickly Duplicates an existing equipment list header from which a user can then add equipment.

Generate new list from assigned "purpose"

Depending on the Settings of the List Mode Menu, this will be either:

Generate Sales List From This Rental List - which means you intend to sell some or all of the rental equipment on this list to the customer. This will generate a new sales list and create new Ex-Rental Types of equipment where needed.
Generate Sales Order from This Rental List - which means you intend to purchase some or all of the rental equipment on this from a vendor. This will generate a new sales order list and create new Sales (New) Types of equipment where needed.

Export to File (for Popstock Basket Import)

Select this menu choice will create a csv file which contains information about the equipment on this list, including the description and the quantity. Once created this file can be used to import the equipment to the popstock basket for adding to any other equipment list.

Refresh and Recalculate

Where needed, these selections in the Edit menu (or by using the F Keys) will refresh and recalculate any totals on the equipment list which may not have been updated due to editing information.


List Mode



This mode is used for all rentals that require no purchases or sales of rental equipment

Sell Equipment on This Rental

Use this mode when the customer decides to purchase some or all of the equipment from the rental. After setting this mode, you will use the Edit Menu and Select Generate Sales List From This Rental List. This will open the form to create new linked types for any types for which there is no matching sales class type.

Buy Equipment For This Rental

Use this mode if you decide to purchase some or all of the equipment for the rental. After setting this mode, you will use the Edit Menu and Select Generate Sales Order From This Rental List. This will open the form to create new linked types for any types for which there is no matching sales class type.


Quick Warehouse


Complete Prep & Dispatch

Selecting this will create 2 new documents

Fully completed Prep Note (completed by quantities with NO BARCODES scanned)
Fully completed Dispatch Note from which a shipping list may be printed

Raise/Open Prep Note

Creates (or allows editing of an existing) a Prep Note Document

Raise/Open Dispatch Note

Creates (or allows editing of an existing) a Dispatch Note

Raise/Open Returns Note

Creates (or allows editing of an existing) a Return Note

Raise/Open Check In Note

Creates (or allows editing of an existing) a Check In Note